Friday, October 12, 2012

ActiveMQ Composite Destinations

ActiveMQ Composite Destinations

Composite queue allows one-to-many relationship. Send a message to One Queue (A) and it will forward the message to Queue B, Queue C and Topic D.
To map Composite destination you need to add following section in virtualDestinations tag.
<compositeQueue name="TEST.QUEUE.A">
<queue physicalName="TEST.QUEUE.B" />
<queue physicalName="TEST.QUEUE.C" />
<queue physicalName="TEST.TOPIC.D" />

By default, subscribers cannot consume messages directly from a composite queue or topic - it is a logical construct only. Given the configuration above, subscribers can only consume messages from TEST.QUEUE.B, TEST.QUEUE.C and TEST.TOPIC.D; but NOT TEST.QUEUE.A.

Using filtered destinations

You may wish to create a virtual destination which forwards messages to multiple destinations but applying a selector first to decide if the message really does have to go to a particular destination.
<compositeQueue name="TEST.QUEUE.A">
<filteredDestination selector="criteria = ‘B’” queue="TEST.QUEUE.B" />
<filteredDestination selector="criteria = ‘C’” queue="TEST.QUEUE.C" />
<filteredDestination selector="criteria = ‘D’” queue="TEST.TOPIC.D" />

In the case above, message from TEST.QUEUE.A will be forwarded to filtered destinations with selector criteria. Result is same as having selector based consumer on TEST.QUEUE.B

Important Aspects of Composite Destinations:

-          Listener Queues (under forwardTo Tag) will not be created automatically. If queues are not present, message will be LOST.
-          If you want to store message in composite queue, make forwardOnly flag as ‘false’. It’s true by default.
<compositeQueue name="TEST.QUEUE.A" forwardOnly="false">   
<queue physicalName="TEST.QUEUE.B" />

-          Composite queue can send the message to Virtual Topic, which will be further consumed by multiple Virtual Destinations.
-          Virtual Topic Selector Aware Consumers will not pull the message if consumer is not active; On the contrary, Filtered Composite destinations pull the message despite of consumer’s active status. This is very helpful in real world scenarios.
-          Important: Composite Destinations Supports wildcards. This is also valid for Filtered Destinations.
<compositeQueue name="TEST.QUEUE.A">
   <filteredDestination selector="criteria = ‘B’” queue="TEST.B.>."/>
   <queue physicalName="COMPOSITE.WILD.>."/>

In the settings above, message will be forwarded to all the queues starting with “COMPOSITE.WILD”. Also, the message with filtered destinations will be forwarded to all the queues starting with ‘TEST.B’.

1 comment:

  1. Good summary

    Composite Destinations can also be accomplished from the client side:

    This is useful for when endpoints are dynamic and subject to change with each publish.
